The Lamb

While still busy with my course in colour and value, I performed the following study, which is actually more of a painting that just a study. The original photo of the lamb is presented below.

Original photo of the lamb.

Original photo of the lamb.

In this painting/study I tried to work with two components, being a limited palette and the the correct value structure (refer to my previous post). For the palette I worked with black and white and then with raw sienna and ultramarine as the primary colours (considering black and white as shades and not colours). A touch of vibrant red was added to create the pink in the nose and ears.

I tried to plan my painting ahead of time by identifying the values needed for each area of the painting. I identified the following values before I started:

  • Brown/white combination for the wood with values 1,2,3 and 8 on the value scale.
  • Grey in the background with values 1,2 and 6
  • Black for the eyes
  • Pinkish greyscale with values of 2,3,6 and 9 for the lamb

I had to adjust the values somewhat while painting, but I was very close to where I started.  Here is my final painting:

Final lamb painting.

Final lamb painting.

As mentioned in my previous post, it is suggested that the values in the painting should be visible when evaluating a grayscale version of it.  I have included the grayscale version below.  The values used really comes to the front and does portray good use of the values, although I still feel like the face of the lamb is somewhat “flat” and that the values could have been used better.  The shape of the head is also not as I would have liked it.

Black and white version of the lamb.

Black and white version of the lamb.

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