Tag Archives: Mark Boedges

Rock pool

Following a couple of digital painting attempts (which I am not going to share since I am not quite satisfied with them) I came up with this one.  I am really satisfied and feel like this is one of my best digital paintings to date. The painting is based on a painting by Mark Boedges.


Immitating Mark Boedges

I really admire the work of Mark Boedges, an American painter who does much of his painting in plein air. His use of shadows and contrast is truly remarkable and he frequently includes very realistic rocks into his paintings with the rocks contributing heavily towards the overall temperature of the painting.

In an attempt to develop my own style, I started to copy Mark Boedges’ work (especially his rocks) on the iPad Pro in ProCreate. The painting below is a much older painting than the ones I recently completed and published on this blog, but I think it is worth sharing as a step in my growth process. Since doing this painting I have started to follow a limited palette strategy with palettes consisting of 9-value greyscale (value) compositions. I think I should once again copy one of his paintings using the new limited palette approach.

A screen capture of some of the ProCreate palettes is presented below.

The digital painting (which I call “River rocks”) is presented below.